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Church Council

Church Council is an elected committee. The committee consists of 12 elected members that are voted on one time a year at the congregation meeting. The current council members are:

Vice Chair: Janet Boyd

Secretary: Jackie Oxner

Candy Kyzer

Danny Hoover

Faye Horne 

Christy Hoover

Joey Frazier

Pam Nichols

Tim Enlow

Bob Price

David Smith

Danny Kneece


Worship & Music
Council Representative: Joey Frazier

This committee is responsible for all things worship and music related at St. Paul's and that we are in accordance with the liturgy of the ELCA. They coordinate the use of hymnals and other devotional material and that they are properly cared for. They arrange for the care of the paraments, musical instruments and in consultation with the pastor and music director, furnishes music supplies appropriate for the use in the worship of a congregation of the ELCA. They meet throughout the year to plan special services, decorate for church celebrations, and coordinate special events during different seasons of the church.

Council Representative: Christy Hoover

The function of this committee is to evoke and promote the expression of the Christian faith in daily living and serving within the congregation, to teach the Christian use of money, to diffuse knowledge of the congregation's local national and world-wide ministries and to lead all its members to higher levels of proportionate giving for the Lord's work.

Social Outreach
Council Representative: Faye Horne

The purpose fo this committee is to extend Christian compassion and helpfulness to the ill, the aged, the orphaned, the underprivileged, the imprisoned, and in general, to persons of all ages in need of aid in body or soul. This committee organizes and coordinates service projects throughout the year to extend help into St. Paul's surrounding community.

Council Representative: David Smith

This committee creates a draft budget for the upcoming year and arranges all audits the financial records throughout the year. The committee shall insure that the financial affairs of the congregation are being conducted efficiently and is responsible for the congregation's total insurance program.

Church Property
Council Representative: Danny Hoover

This committee is responsible for the care and maintenance of the physical building of St. Paul's, including the parsonage, the sanctuary/educational building, the grounds, the air conditioning/heating, and electricity. They meet throughout the year to discuss places for improvement around our campus and coordinate the upkeep of the the property.

Council Representative: Tim Enlow

This committee is responsible for the care and maintenance of St. Paul's two cemetery locations.        This committee coordinates the upkeep of the grounds and proposes new improvement projects throughout the year.

Social Media
Council Representative: Jackie Oxner

This committee is responsible for the creation and maintenance of St. Paul's different social media platforms including, but not limited to the Website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This group meets throughout the year to create new content and update the website.

Spiritual Formation
Council Representative: Danny Kneece

This committee is responsible selecting curriculum for Sunday School, educating and obtaining teachers for Sunday School, and finding & supporting a director for Vacation Bible School. They also help to coordinate confirmation gifts and plan the banquet for confirmands each year.

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